ASME Fellow: Dr Suresh Kalyanam

At Engineering Mechanics, we are pleased to congratulate our colleague Dr Suresh Kalyanam on receiving the rank of ASME Fellow.

As outlined in the Fellow citation, Dr. Suresh Kalyanam is a subject matter expert in computational and experimental non-linear fracture mechanics. His research includes finite element analysis (FEA), supported by small-scale and full-scale fracture experiments, using crack-tip opening angle (CTOA), fracture energy-resistance (J-R), crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD), and single edge notch tension (SENT) tests. The results of Dr. Kalyanam’s work are directly applicable to pressure vessel and piping applications in nuclear power generation systems. Through his active involvement with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Section XI Nuclear Codes and Standards, the results are being implemented in the newest revisions of these documents.