Our primary focus as a R&D company is on the development of innovative structural integrity solutions that replicate “real world” behavior for the oil/gas and nuclear energy industries. We are both nationally and internationally recognized experts fracture mechanics, weld process modeling, safety assessments and risk analysis of complex engineered systems and structures. Our work has often been ground-breaking in nature and has been cited in the past when industry codes and standards are updated.
As a result of these past program successes, our staff routinely has the opportunity to publish their results and present them at conferences or have it included in technical journals. As a company, we have collectively published as many as twenty-five (25) technical papers in a single year and have averaged twenty (20) publications each year since 2007. To date, our staff members have published over 220 technical papers or journal articles since our founding in 1998 and the number of papers grows to over 500 when you factor in the publications from our staff members prior to their joining Emc2.
We are in the process of updating our list. the most recent papers can be found below, sorted by years. We will continue to update this list to add future work and complete the missing years
If you are looking for information on a particular topic and don’t see it here, please contact Mr. Gary Hattery at ghattery@emc-sq.com or Dr. Gery Wilkowski at gwilkows@emc-sq.com for further information.
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