- 22, 50, 110, and 220 kip machines with state-of-the-art MTS digital controllers
- Test pit for hydrostatic pipe burst tests with axial flaws (Up to 48” diameter and 25’ long, Up to 18,000 psi)
- Tensile tests from -320 F to +1650 F, either quasi-static or cyclic stress-strain curve development at various rates
- SENT (-80 F to 600 F) for CTOD-R/J-R curves, various rates; C(T) tests (-80 F to 600 F) at quasi-static and seismic rates
- Bend tests (3 and/or 4-point), -80 F to 600 F with electrical isolation for EP crack growth measurements
- 4-point bending of 3 to 8-inch diameter pipes with circumferential cracks in welds, with d-c EP for crack growth at 600 F
- Flywheel fiber testing machine* (high-rate tensile tests on fibers at from – 60 F to RT)
- Creep testing of polymer or metallic specimens
- Strain gauging, LVDT, extensometer, clip gages, etc.
- Low and high-speed data acquisition (2 GHz on 4 channels, 200 MHz simultaneous sampling rate on 8 channels, several systems for 32 channels at slower rates, and MTS digital systems 48 channels.
- Polymer hydrostatic bath
- High speed camera – 210,000 fps (low resolution), 20,000 fps (high resolution)
- Nitrogen gas tests to 3,000 psig (higher possible)
- Pure methane test to 2,400 psig
- +25 F to +140 F full scale burst test temperatures